User Experience Design Research



Fanatics FanID

While we’re not moving forward w/the FanID positioning right now (it may be a 2020 initiative), the work your team did definitely helped us identify challenges and pain points we’ll need to address before we do. - Doug Glazer | Fanatics Sr. Director, Customer Loyalty & Gift Cards


For Fanatics, we tested two prototype sites and conducted an expert review of competitors sites to understand how people use unified accounts on different platforms.

We tested 8 participants to help understand issues on the sites.

Client: Fanatics

Role: UX Researcher

Length: 2 months

Skills: Usability testing, moderating, screening/recruiting, qualitative and quantitative analysis

Product Description: An online learning platform where students can take courses to get a university degree. Multiple courseware platforms were integrated into one system.

Project Overview


  • Customers of Fanatics and the individual sports team sites benefit from a 3% loyalty program called FanCash that extends across all the bands.

  • Many customers do not realize that all the sites are connected.

  • If a person logs in with different emails on other sites, than the FanCash is segregated

  • Retailer is starting a Single-Sign-On for all its brands and sites calling it FanID.

  • FanID has not been implemented yet; our mission is to test the FanID concept for comprehension and general receptivity among customers.

Fanatics Business Goal

Fanatics wants to streamline the process of user accounts by providing a Single-Sign-On procedure across all the partnered websites.

Benefits of having same ID across sites:

  • Helps create unified brand ecosystem

  • Better user experience

  • Simplifies user task flows

  • Improves marketing to customers

Executive Summary


  • Participants in the usability study found the site easy to use and in general, felt that FanCash was a benefit to them.

  • They liked the idea that the FanID could provide a customized experience.

  • Most previous Fanatics customer participants were not aware of the affiliation of Fanatics with the other sites.

  • Though there was some confusion about what the “family of brands” meant,
    most were able to recall the major sports associations that were part of the Fanatics experience, especially after reading about the program in detail on the Rewards page.


To ensure comprehension and participation in the Rewards program, Fanatics should:

  • Ensure that FanID and FanCash benefits are clearly defined in the checkout process.

  • Create a singular rewards brand to reduce confusion about the component parts.

  • Provide clear explanations of the benefits of the rewards program early in the process.

  • Reduce and simplify the information around FanCash.

  • Consider ways to customize FanID with personalization features such as favorite teams.

  • Consider remessaging the “family of brands” as joining the “Retailer Experience” by emphasizing how the FanID provides a Single-Sign-On to the various sites.



Expert Review

An Example of an Aggregate of Brands

Purpose: Provide recommendations on best practices for the presentation of a single-sign-on process for an aggregate of brands.

Expert Review: As a comparison to Retailer and its associated sites, an expert review of Pottery Barn and West Elm, which are part of Williams Sonoma’s “family of brands,” was conducted to better understand the consolidation of sign-ons, loyalty rewards, and customer account info.

Methodology: We reviewed the following touchpoints from Pottery Barn and West Elm on desktop and mobile platforms using Nielsen's heuristics and severity scale:  

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

Users benefit from a common sign-on and customer loyalty program across the partnering brands by accumulating rewards and tracking their progress towards them.

The above can be accomplished by doing the following:

  • Providing a consistent experience and interface to the loyalty program across an umbrella of brands.

  • Presenting benefits of the rewards program clearly .

  • Using authentic terminology to educate users about partner sites.

  • Emphasizing the ability to earn rewards across brands.

  • Integrating the loyalty program sign-up during checkout seamlessly.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing Goals

The purpose of the usability testing is to answer the following questions:

  • What messaging do customers need in order to connect FanID to the Retailer purchasing and/or service experience at its sites?

  • Can participants identify FanID?

  • Can participants recognize the purpose of FanID?

  • Can participants use FanID to complete given tasks?

The goals for testing are the following:

  • Measure how well customers recognize FanID.

  • Measure how well customers understand the purpose of FanID.

  • Measure how well customers use FanID to complete tasks related to the Fanatics experience.

  • Provide feedback on what messaging helps customers comprehend FanID and its relation to previous login credentials.

  • Suggest ways to streamline the communication of FanID to various customer types.

Usability Testing Methodology

  • Aimed for 12 participants; due to cancellations interviewed 8 participants.

  • Conducted remote 60-minute sessions.

  • Explored two prototypes (Fanatics and NFL Shop) that used single-sign-on.

  • Each participant was interviewed before starting the test tasks.

  • Participants were walked through the semi-interactive prototypes provided by Fanatics and asked to think aloud.

  • A System Usability Scale (SUS) evaluation and post-task interview concluded each session.


Tasks - Findings and Recommendations

Usability Task 1: Homepage - General Impressions


〸 Participants had a generally favorable impression of the homepage, and were comfortable in using the website

"It's pretty easy to navigate." (P6)

"It's very professional, easy to navigate, and find what you're looking for." (P7)

㆒ Participants were more interested in their team than individual items from other teams

“I know what NFL stuff is, so I want to find my team and shop from there.” (P1)

“Typically I am shopping for a specific team” (P2)

"I like how you can shop by teams” (P7)


  • Consider changing the layout to be more team centric instead of item centric


〸 Participants liked seeing free shipping

"Free shipping is actually the deciding factor for me” (P1)

“Free shipping is always good to see” (P4)

౼ Participants often did not like the Countdown Box, as they found it to be stressful. The Fanatics countdown box was preferred over the NFL version due to the more calming blue color

The NFL countdown box was “a bright yellow thing stressing me out” (P1)

"The blue countdown clock is distracting." (P2)


  • Consider eliminating the timer box, or changing it to a calmer color

Usability Task 1: Homepage - Clarity


〸 Participants understood how to purchase an item

౼ Participants often found the website crowded and busy

“I just find it really crowded” (P1)

౼ Participants didn’t clearly see a way to sign up for an account.

“I don’t see where it says to sign up for an account” (P4)

౼ The majority of participants who had a guess thought they would sign up for an account by going to FanCash Rewards at the top right. Other guesses included the hamburger menu at the top left, and somewhere at the bottom of the page


  • Consider creating a more clear account signup option

  • Consider changing the layout to be simpler with less content

Task 2: Product Purchase & Checkout Process

Overall Summary

  • Participants were comfortable in choosing the item and reaching the checkout area.

  • Participants found the purchase and checkout process to be consistent on both the sites

  • Four key aspects were mainly observed during this process

  • Account Creation

  • FanCash

  • FanID

  • Shipping

Findings - FanCash

〸 Most of the participants like accruing FanCash for the purchases made

"I am getting FanCash, great"  (P5)

“It’s definitely useful, I just wish it lasted longer” (P8)

౼ Participants were confused with the terminology - FanCash Rewards and FanCash

"I'm not sure if they are two different things." (P1)

"I don’t want another Credit Card so I wouldn’t get a FanCash card.” (P6)


  • Consider using a single terminology to represent FanCash system

Findings - FanID

౼ Most of the participants were confused with FanID initially

“I never heard of it.”  (P4)

“The ID should be the team logo.” (P7)

౼ Half of the participants were still not sure what FanID does at the end of the second app evaluation

“I’m still a little confused” (P3)

“I don't know the difference between FanID and FanCash.”  (P6)


  • Consider providing clear messaging about Single Sign-On to elucidate the FanID concept

Findings - Account Creation

〸 More than half of the participants thought account creation would be useful and would create if they were going to make a purchase.

“I would never create an account unless I was going to buy something” (P2)

“I would definitely create an account so I can track orders I have placed in the past” (P8)

౼ Participants were not sure that Fanatics and NFL were connected

"It says our family of brands but I don't know any of the other family of brands.” (P8)


  • Consider a more clear connection between the multiple Fanatics brands

Findings - Shipping

〸 Most of the participants were particular about the free shipping code during purchase.

"I want to copy free shipping code” (P4)

“I don’t like to ever pay for shipping.” (P8)


  • The note section of  free shipping code should be placed above the “Have a Coupon?” section and  should be auto-applied during checkout

Task 3: Sign Up Process


〸 Almost all users saw the benefit to having an account.

〸 All users noted that the process was easy and took about the same or less time than they would expect.

“It’s very easy. ” (P5)

“It's pretty simple...I purchased something and it says something about loyalty, so I created an account." (P6)

〸 The sign up process was familiar to other sites participants have used.

〸 After going through the signup process, participants were better able to explain that the FanID was their account.

౼ Despite the information provided, users were not clear about the details of the FanCash program. 

“It was easy, but finding it initially, it’s not right in front of you. There’s no login” (P4)

"Signup process seems easy - I am confused about what the rewards payout is.” (P1)


  • Succinctly provide information about FanID and Rewards benefits at each stage of the signup process

  • Be clear that having an account earns 3% cash rewards across Fanatics branded sites


〸 Participants were satisfied with the amount of information requested.

There wasn’t a whole lot of information they needed” (P8)

“Seems straightforward, easy, and doesn't ask a million questions.” (P7)

౼ Participants were not immediately clear about what the benefits were, even though the headline reads “Membership has benefits”

“Fan ID and Fancash, I have no idea what that means… Nothing on here to let me know what sort of fan cash I’m getting, so it’s confusing to me” (P3)


  • Succinctly provide information about FanID and Rewards benefits before they are required to input information

  • Be clear that having an account earns 3% cash rewards across Fanatics branded sites


〸 Participants were comfortable that they had to check their email to confirm their Fan ID and would do so promptly after viewing this screen.

“I would immediately go to my email so that I could confirm As quickly as possible because I probably won't do it. If they don't do it right away.” (P1)

౼ Ongoing confusion about the benefits of the FanCash program and the relationship between FanID and FanCash at this point in the process.

“Fan ID and Fancash, I have no idea what that means” (P3)


  • Add more graphic connection between related Fanatics sites.

  • Keep text short - participants are skimming

  • Provide more information about 3% rewards and provide an indication that there are more details that they can read about.


〸 Participants saw the confirm button and understood that it was necessary to complete the FanID account process.

“Pretty easy, pretty spelled out. The button, not even a link, is obvious.” (P8)

౼ Participants skim the information in the confirmation email.

“It doesn’t matter what you say in there, I’m going to hit confirm” (P1)


  • Continue to maintain a large confirm button

  • Use this page as an opportunity to explain the 3% cash back rewards and use graphics to connect the the FanID, FanCash, and related sites


౼ Although participants found the signup process easy, they were unsure of the benefits of the program by the end of the task.

“Signup process seems easy - I am confused about what  the rewards payout is.” (P1)

“Nothing on here to let me know what sort of fan cash I’m getting, so it’s confusing to me” (P5)


  • Provide links when referencing related Fanatics sites

  • Reiterate to the user that they are earning 3% rewards with every purchase

Task 4: FanID + FanCash Page

Overall Summary

〸 Participants found the idea of the FanCash loyalty program easy to grap

“Nice and simple.” (P1)

"Use it [FanCash] like a coupon. Yeah, that makes sense.” (P3)

౼ Participants failed to explicitly grasp specific details of FanCash

"It like gives you an option to apply when you're checking out, it doesn't really say how to use it, it just says how to earn it. It doesn't tell you how to redeem it." (P6)

"I thought FanID and FanCash were the same things." (P8)

౼ Participants were confused by the placement and language of “FanCash” both as a credit card and a loyalty program

“But I’m a little confused, earn 3% and then fancash rewards card, so does that mean 6%?” (P3)


  • Present one concept at a time: Present what FanCash is then the FanCash credit card

  • Replace “2X” with “Twice the FanCash at 6%” or simply “6%”

Task 5: Login Process


〸 After purchasing from both the sites, some participants understood that same ID can be used across the sites while some found it unclear.

“I hope the same ID would allow me to use all of them” (P1)

“If you purchase anything from any of these sites below, you’ll get fancash” (P4)

“I’m still a little confused” (P3)


  • Provide right messaging to make clear connection between the multiple Fanatics brands

Comprehension - FanID, FanCash, and Family of Brands

Comprehension of FanID

Overall Summary

〸 Some participants (P1, P5, P6, P7, and P8) were able to make assumptions around FanID

"FanID is your username, kind of". (P7)

"It would be really cool to have one ID that I would just logon to other sites." (P1)

౼ Many participants were still confused about what FanID was and how it was important to their online Fanatics experience, even when they explained it correctly

“I don’t know… it wasn’t clearly explained at all what other sites it could be used on.” (P3)

"I still don't know what FanID is." (P3)


  • Use language that clarifies that the FanID is the user’s account. 

  • Many participants would not create a FanID unless they were already buying something. A focus on explaining the FanID+FanCash rewards program in the shopping cart is essential for full comprehension of the program.

FanID - General Impressions and Clarity


〸 Participants understood that an account with login credentials for order tracking and loyalty rewards regardless. 

“[FanID is] just another way of saying your account. It makes you feel good as a sportsfan, yup this is my FanID.” (P4)

౼ Even though participants could make assumptions about the purpose of their FanID, they were unclear how it was different than FanCash

"I thought FanID and FanCash were the same things." (P8)

౼ Most participants questioned or did not realize FanID was to be used across several sites, but they did like the concept.

“If you could use it on other sites, that was not clear” (P2)


  • Add a direct statement about FanID, e.g. FanID acts as a single sign in for all Fanatics sites as well as provides access to FanCash reward information.

  • Prompt users to view the sites available to them with their FanID earlier in the process.

Comprehension of FanCash

Overall Summary

〸 All participants could explain FanCash in their own words. 

“It’s cash rewards for future purchases.” (P4)

〸 Most participants noticed FanCash on the homepage.

“Very findable, on the top right at homepage. (P3)

〸 Most participants expressed positive affect towards FanCash.

"It's fantastic. I love FanCash, I think it’s a great idea." (P1)

“I like it.” (P8)

〸 The FanCash explanation page helped participants better understand the program.

“I think I have a better understanding of how the sites work, as compared to previously.” (P5 changed her perception of Fanatics in a positive way.)

〸 Participants who frequently shop on Fanatics site said they were more likely to shop there again due to FanCash.

“[FanCash] would give a bigger incentive to buy something on this site over other site”  (P2)

FanCash - General Impressions and Clarity


౼ Participants who were unfamiliar with FanCash had a harder time to understand what the program is when presented with the information in the shopping cart.

“Since I don’t really know what FanCash is… I wish there was some sort of way to know what it is before checkout (P2)

౼ Some participants were unsure of how the FanCash was calculated after logging in to the prototype with existing FanCash until they understood that it was 3% rewards on each purchase. A few participants questioned this until they read the full explanation of FanCash

“It looks good, I didn’t know how they calculated the percentage… Now I know...” (P4)


  • Provide ways for users to learn more about FanCash from within the shopping cart since this may be the first time they are encountering the rewards program.

FanID & FanCash


౼ Most participants equated FanID to FanCash.

" FanID and FanCash. I thought they were the same thing. I guess maybe they’re not. I don’t know." (P8)

౼ Most participants understood the connection between FanID & FanCash at the end. However quite a few expressed confusion at the multitude of new Fanatics glossary which can sound confusingly similar.

"Just make it FanCash and make it clear what the rewards are 3%. To have 2 new programs that are unfamiliar to customers is confusing” (P3)

"I don't know if you need to have 2 different names... maybe just calling it FanRewards would be more straightforward. For example with Sephora, its just VIP, and so you have VIP points. It might be confusing to some people... they might think there's a difference between the FanID and the FanCash when its just the same program." (P6)

“Instead of a use name, it’s just called FanID.” (P4)


  • Consider the use of a single, consistent term across loyalty program.

Fanatics’ Family of Brands


〸 Frequent customer had a better grasp of the family of brands and were able to recall the list of affiliated sites.

〸 Some participant made the connection between the sites based on the similar graphic layout on both sites.

౼ Most participants missed multiple touchpoints that noted the family of brands communication, even when nudged.

“I have no idea what the family of sites are” (P3)

౼ Most participants were unable to understand or uncertain of how the family of brands related to their use of the site.

“I mean, it says our family of brands but I don't know any of the other family of brands. So I don't know how useful it would really be.” (P8)

౼ Not all participants were able to determine that Fanatics owned the sites, indicating that they were not clear that the sites were part of the Fanatics family of brands.


  • Be specific that “family of brands” means websites that are part of the Fanatics Experience

The Average SUS Score - High Marginal 

Our average SUS score is 70

  • high marginal

  • > 50th percentile

  • Not a huge issue, but could be better

  • SUS is System Usability Scale a method for determining usability.

  • Mean SUS score is 68.2 - generally favorable, for websites

  • Caveats

    • We only had 8 participants in our usability study so the score is not necessarily statically significant

    • The tested object was a prototype and not the actual website

Answering our Research Questions

Does current FanID messaging work?

  • Can participants identify FanID?

    • No

  • Can participants recognize the purpose of FanID?

    • FanCash - yes

    • Reason for account - yes

    • FanID - no

  • Can participant use FanID to complete given tasks?

    • Yes


While we’re not moving forward w/the FanID positioning right now (it may be a 2020 initiative), the work your team did definitely helped us identify challenges and pain points we’ll need to address before we do. - Doug Glazer | Fanatics Sr. Director, Customer Loyalty & Gift Cards

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